Mountain Management will present its newest study BEST SKI RESORT 2016 on the 10th of November in Bregenz. Interviewers were on their way to the top ski resorts of the Alps last winter and questioned nearly 49.000 winter sport enthusiasts in Austria, Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland.
The topics satisfaction of the guests, importance (decisive criteria), loyalty and recommendation are the focus of the survey.
Mr. Marc Girardelli, entrepreneur and 5 times overall Ski World Cup winner, will held the laudation besides the awarding ceremony presented by head of the study Mr. Mike Partel. Furthermore, university professor Kurt Matzler, consultant and bestselling author, will work out the factors contributing to success in winter sport regions. In addition, Achim Feige, executive brand consultant of Brand Trust in Vienna will reveal why a clear positioning is vital in the field of tourism.
You will find out at about 2 p.m. on November 10 here which ski resorts will have won.