Sulden am Ortler

These people can be happy about day tickets or a ski weekend

Also this year, the participants of the study Best Ski Resort were able to win great prizes. A total of 55 one-day tickets were raffled and as the main prizes there were 3 x a ski weekend for 2 persons to win.


1 day tickets wins:

Ollie Gough (Great Britain; olliego…….@…….com)
Marc Zechner (Austria; zechner…….@……
Antje Wilhelm (Germany; antje.w…….@…….de)
Andreas Kuebler (Germany; andreas…….@…….de)
Franziska Marquard (Germany; franzis…….@…….de)
Katharina Siegl (Austria; kathari…….@…….at)
Julian Glaser (Austria; julian.…….@…….at)
Sophie Schubert (Austria; schuber…….@…….com)
Andreas Tonner (Switzerland; andreas…….@…….ch)
Rita Rickenbacher (Switzerland; rita.ri…….@…….ch)
Christian Herbst (Switzerland; christi…….@…….com)
Francesca Cocchi (Italy; frances…….@…….it)
Raffaele Bianco (Italy; raffael…….@…….com)
Isabell Mugnier (France; mugnier…….@…….fr)
Bruno Masson (France; bruno.m…….@…….fr)
Thorsten Staal (Netherlands; murmeli…….@…….nl)
Lisette Meijet (Netherlands; lisette…….@…….nl)
Marie-Lynn Rombauts (Belgium; mariely…….@…….be)
Nicolas Weckhuysen (Belgium; nicolas…….@……
Elaine Rowlands (Great Britain; elaine.…….@……
Thomas Timothy (Great Britain; trtimot…….@……
Eve Henson (Great Britain; evelhen…….@…….com)
Marta Kalinenko (Russia; kalinen…….@…….ru)
Andrei Titou (Russia; ibicus@…….@…….ru)
Ewelina Stasiak (Poland; ewelina…….@…….pl)
Dariusz Mazur (Poland; darekma…….@…….pl)
Jan Plechaty (Czech Republic; janplec…….@…….cz)
Martin Tomaska (Czech Republic; martin.…….@…….cz)
Elisabeth Adamek (Czech Republic; elisabe…….@…….cz)
Laura Noordhuis (Netherlands; laura.n…….@…….nl)
Slaven Sladoljen (Croatia; slaven.…….@…….hr)
Melanie Schmid (Germany; melanie…….@…….com)
Jan Janocko (Slovakia; janocko…….@…….sk)
Michael Seitz (Germany; seitz.m…….@…….com)
Frederik Dahlgren (Sweden; frederi…….@…….com)
Marita Blombäck (Sweden; marita.…….@…….se)
Anne Wilking (Germany; annewil…….@…….com)
Antonio Samaritani (Italy; antonio…….@…….it)
Helena Lange (Germany; lange.h…….@…….net)
Isabella Lucassen (Netherlands; isabell…….@…….com)
Moskala Dawid (Poland; dawidof…….@…….pl)
Camille Barthoux (France; camille…….@…….fr)
Robin Rios (France; robrobr…….@…….com)
Francesca Pradelli (Italy; frances…….@…….it)
Anthony Verloop (Netherlands; cap.ver…….@…….nl)
Susanna Schön (Germany; sueg30@…….@…….de)
Stefan Kater (Germany; stefan.…….@…….de)
Edeltraud Kiesl (Germany; edeltra…….@…….de)
Claudia Walch (Austria; claudia…….@…….com)
Florian Unterberger (Austria; florian…….@…….com)
Janine Tamara Bieri (Switzerland; jinae@g…….@…….net)
Sandra De Stefani (Switzerland; s.deste…….@…….ch)
Natascha Van Rij (Netherlands; natasch…….@…….nl)
Erwin Delvaux (Belgium; erwin.d…….@…….be)
Vikki Hepton (Great Britain; vikki.h…….@……


The winners of the main prize, 1 ski weekend for 2 persons, are:

Josef Pferscher (Austria; josef.p…….@……
Emilia Boneta (Italy; emilia.…….@……
Pascal Abegg (Switzerland; abegg.p…….@……